How to Avoid Forgetting to Validate My Steps Before Midnight? ⏰👟

Louis de Macadam ✌️
Louis de Macadam ✌️
  • Updated

We get it, life moves fast, and sometimes we forget to validate our steps before midnight... 😅 But no worries, we've got some tips for you!

Reminder: Macadam sends you a notification every day to remind you to validate your steps. So make sure you've enabled notifications in your phone settings.

Just head to the "Notifications" section and check that Macadam is allowed to send you these super helpful reminders .

Don’t always have your phone on you? No problem! You can also set an alarm before midnight  to avoid forgetting to validate your steps. A simple alert at 11:50 PM, and boom, no more excuses! 

⚠️ Important reminder: steps that aren't validated before midnight cannot be recovered! So, make sure you stay on top of it and validate your hard-earned steps every day 💪.

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